Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


Fill out the 2025/2026 Society Registration Form if you are registering your children to attend Lethbridge Christian School for the UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR.


  Only one form per family per year, please.


The preferred method of payment for Membership and User Fees is through automatic withdrawal.  Please email a debit authorization from your bank to accounts@lcssociety.org, or print the LCS Society PAD Agreement found below the registration form, sign it, and drop it off at the school office.

If you want to fill out the 2025/26 form in full page view click here.

2025/26 LCS Society Registration

Fill out the 2024/2025 Society Registration Form if you are registering your children to attend Lethbridge Christian School for the CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR.


  Only one form per family per year, please.


The preferred method of payment for Membership and User Fees is through automatic withdrawal.  If you prefer, you can email a debit authorization from your bank, or print the LCS Society PAD Agreement found below the registration form, sign it, and drop it off at the school office.

If you want to fill out the 2024/25 form in full page view click here.

2024/25 LCS Society Registration